25 May 2011 » planning process | respond
After Maud Returns Home went public there has been a growing interest for the project both in Norway and now also from the Canadian side. This is of course nice and we are now becoming quite eager to have a possibility to present our project directly to the local people in Cambridge Bay and of course also to have an opportunity to survey the “Maud” and make a status for its present condition.
We wish to save this ship in whatever state it is in. That is our clear philosophy.
It is valuable just as much as an symbolic object as it is as a ship made from the best Norwegian oak. Lets hope we can make the Canadians agree that we have a good plan for the salvage itself, and also that our plans for how we will conserve the wreck and present it in a new Maudmuseum in the same spot where it was built for Roald Amundsen nearly 100 years ago.
Yesterday project manager Jan Wanggaard was interviewed by the
National Canadian Broadcasting News who was curious to hear about our plans.
On first coming Friday Jan will again talk on
Radio Canada International together with well-known Marine archeologist James Delgado that did a comprehensive survey on Maud in 1997 as well as with the present Mayor of Cambridge Bay. Lets hope for good weather.
Photo credit : Hans Vraalstad